Fun Resources for English Linguistics

Compiled by Anne Curzan and Hayley Heaton, University of Michigan

The internet has opened up exciting new possibilities for research on the English language–research focused on both the language’s history and its current state. There are corpora designed specifically for linguistic research (e.g., the Helsinki Corpus) and there are text databases (e.g., Shakespeare’s First Folios) that can be used to pursue language questions. The following list of resources is only a selection; you can find many more resources at the Humanities Text Initiative website.

Linguistic Corpora

Linguistic corpora give users the opportunity to investigate language use from different types of sources across time. Different corpora focus ...


Dictionaries are useful well beyond simply finding word definitions. With the right dictionary, you can find word origins, usage history, ...

Language Blogs and Podcasts

Blogs and podcasts often talk about language in the modern world. Many of the resources below are meant for a ...

English Dialect Resources

Dialects play an important role in identity and diversity. They can have unique grammatical features, pronunciations, and lexical items. Linguists ...